When thinking of a perfect drink one does not always need to think of a hand crafted, individually made cocktail.  During the dog days of summer when preparing for a fun day outside with friends a bulk drink may do the trick.  However, that does not mean it cannot be a perfect drink.  My summertime favorite drink, that is known to my friends by many names, is easy to make, has three ingredients, and fills up a one-gallon jug ready to drink from a red solo cup.  Referred to originally as Jungle Juice, it is now also known as Boat Juice, and Beach Juice depending on the activity of the day.  I am sure the naming game will continue as we expand the opportunities to drink this delightful cocktail that is also calorie friendly.  It involves mixing low calorie lemonade (Simply Light Lemonade), Citron Vodka (Absolute) and sweet tea vodka (my favorite is Firefly).  Whether spending time at the beach, at the park or boating on the water, Jungle Juice is always a favorite drink to share, incredibly refreshing, and you can whip up a batch super quick.




  1. First make sure the night before you buy ice or put enough aside enough to fill up the gallon jug.
  2. In your one-gallon jug add the following amount of each ingredient (do not add ice until the end):
    • One bottle Simply Light Lemonade (52 fl oz)
    • 12 oz of Absolute Citron Vodka
    • 6 oz of Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka
  3. Stir ingredients together and fill up gallon container with ice to keep cold for the rest of the day. Enjoy!!!!


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The items shown above are just suggestions/examples and each consumer should do their own research and choose the proper product that suits their needs the best.

July 2022 – Jungle Juice (aka, Beach Juice, Boat Juice)

One thought on “July 2022 – Jungle Juice (aka, Beach Juice, Boat Juice)

  • August 1, 2022 at 1:09 pm

    Yes indeed – Sounds like the perfect drink while on a boat on a sunny day at the lake! This is definitely on my go to list soon.

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