Another great fall drink is actually a trio of drinks made from three ingredients just in different proportions and combinations.  I refer to them as the Kahlua trio and given that I love Kahlua all three of these drinks are delicious and have slightly different strengths but maintain a similar taste profile given that Kahlua is the star.  Using only Kahlua (the star), Vodka (I love using Vanilla Vodka to add a hint of vanilla), and half and half cream you can make three variants that all have a place and a time to serve.  The drinks are the classic Kahlua and cream that while being very tasty is a less potent drink, the White Russian (Kahlua and cream punched up with vodka), and the Black Russian (hold the cream). You can’t go wrong with these and by trying all three you can determine the flavor and strength that best suits your palate.




White Russian

  1. Fill glass with ice and then add ingredients for one cocktai
    • Absolute Vanilla Vodka (or Vodka of your choice) – 2.0 oz
    • Kahlua – 1 oz
    • Half and Half – 1 oz
  2. Stir cocktail to mix ingredients or leave drink layered and provide straw for stirring

Black Russian

  1. Fill glass with ice and then add ingredients for one cocktail.
    • Absolute Vanilla Vodka (or Vodka of your choice) – 3.0 oz
    • Kahlua – 1.5 oz
  2. Stir cocktail to mix ingredients.  Add maraschino cherry garnish

Kahlua & Cream

  1. Fill glass with ice and then add ingredients for one cocktail.
    • Kahlua – 2 oz
    • Half and Half  – 2 oz
  2. Stir cocktail to mix ingredients or leave drink layered and provide straw for stirring


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The items shown above are just suggestions/examples and each consumer should do their own research and choose the proper product that suits their needs the best.

October 2023 – Kahlua Trio (White Russian, Black Russian, Kahlua and Cream)

2 thoughts on “October 2023 – Kahlua Trio (White Russian, Black Russian, Kahlua and Cream)

  • November 4, 2023 at 10:44 pm

    A favorite of Rob’s is the White Russian. I think the vanilla vodka is a brilliant add. Very nice!

  • December 20, 2023 at 7:09 pm

    The Vanilla Vodka makes it for me.

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