When the weather begins to warm, or its Cinco de Mayo, my urge to drink a Margarita increases exponentially.  Drinks like the Mojito and Margarita really hit the spot on a warm day and while I love a good Mojito the salt aspect of the Margarita speaks to me when I have been active on a summer day and look to enjoy a refreshing cocktail to end the day.  In addition, no drink that I am aware of, is as customizable as the Margarita.  The ratios are very particular to the person drinking it.  Whether 3-2-1 or 2-1-1 (Tequila – Orange Liqueur – Lime Juice), whether a Tommy Margarita (Agave syrup instead of Orange Liqueur), frozen or on the rocks, original or strawberry, the Margarita can come in a very wide variety of preparations.  This is the one drink I do not say you must follow a specific recipe and instead you need to tweak what you like best whether tart, or sweet, whether with salt or without.  What I share today is Bob’s version of a perfect Margarita if making one for myself.  This is the recipe I follow especially when making them individually rather than by the batch.  I will share a batch recipe in the future that a friend introduced me to, that requires some time and patience.  I love them both, so I will let you choose your favorite.  Remember once you find your perfect ratio of ingredients for your Margarita that will be the perfect drink for you.





  1. Prepare you glass by dipping the rim of the glass in some lime juice and dip into kosher salt to coat the rim with salt.  I usually only salt half to allow a area of the glass to drink from that is salt free.  Fill glass with ice prior to filling with cocktail.
  2. In a cocktail shaker filled with ice add the following
    • 3 oz Tequila
    • 1.5 oz Cointreau
    • 1.5 oz lime juice (fresh squeezed and strained)
    • 1 tsp Agave Nectar/Syrup  
  3. Strain drink into selected glass with salted rim filled with ice.
  4. Garnish with lime wedge and enjoy!!! 


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The items shown above are just suggestions/examples and each consumer should do their own research and choose the proper product that suits their needs the best.

March 2024 – Margarita

2 thoughts on “March 2024 – Margarita

  • April 1, 2024 at 11:00 am

    Confession, I have never made a margarita but have enjoyed drinking a few! This recipe looks perfect and I look forward to giving it a shot!
    Thanks again to showing us the perfect drink!

  • April 29, 2024 at 1:32 pm

    You will enjoy this and next month’s version as well.

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