I am a big fan of Martini drinks and will share many on theperfectdrink.org. They come in many varieties and provide a simple yet elegant way to start or finish an evening. The nice part about making a perfect martini
When life gets tough, muddle through it. The art of the muddle.
I have long thought the art of the muddle is one of the easiest ways to take an ordinary drink and make it a perfect drink. For example, how many times have you been at a bar, ordered a vodka
Manhattan – The perfect example of proper proportions and quality ingredients
No drink exemplifies the need for perfect proportions and top-quality ingredients as the Manhattan. This cocktail originated in the late 1800’s and while modified slightly over the centuries it continues to be a favorite drink for many. Most oftentimes when
May 2022 – Root Beer Old Fashioned
I tripped into a childhood flashback as an adult on, of all things, a wine trip to Napa. I choose this drink to kick-off “The Perfect Drink” due to its perfection, that for me, when I want that one drink